
Recommendations for when you retire

What You Need To Do

In the case of regular retirement, we will contact you about six months before your 65th birthday with information about the various ways you can draw your retirement benefits, and what you need to do next. Of course, we will also be happy to help you if you would like to find out about your retirement benefits before this point.

If you wish to retire early, you must get in touch with the Pension Fund in good time, at least three months before the date on which you wish to retire.

If you do not observe this notice period, the date of your early retirement will have to be deferred.


  • Prepare for your retirement well in advance. Begin to plan years before you stop work. Do not hesitate to consult an independent advisor (insurance advisor), who can help you plan your retirement and answer any questions you may have with regard to the AHV state pension, tax, private pension schemes, etc.
  • If you are planning to take early retirement or partial retirement, or wish to remain insured with us beyond the final age of 65, please discuss your intentions with your line manager or HR.
  • Contact the Compensation Office (Swissmem phone +41 44 388 34 34, web to find out what retirement pension you will receive.
  • Attend courses on retirement planning offered by your employer
  • Increase your retirement benefits by making additional voluntary contributions to the Schindler Pension Fund, but make sure you are aware of the consequences (see Benefits/Purchasing Additional Benefits).


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