

Insureds who are recognised as disabled by the Swiss federal invalidity insurance scheme (IV) are also regarded as disabled by the Pension Fund provided they were insured by the Pension Fund when they became unable to work.

The loss of salary (as a percentage of the previous salary) caused by the disability is the key factor in determining the degree of disability.

The Pension Fund's temporary disability pension begins as soon as you become entitled to an IV pension. However, it is not paid out for as long as you continue to receive a salary, or substitute benefits such as daily sickness benefits, or benefits from your health insurer or the SUVA.

It ends when you cease to be eligible for a disability pension from the Swiss federal invalidity insurance scheme, but at the latest at the final age. From this point onwards you will be entitled to a retirement pension or retirement capital. Any possible lump-sum must be requested at least 3 months in advance on the form provided for this purpose.

The temporary disability pension is calculated as a percentage of the insured salary. For details, please consult your Benefits Statement ➝

While you are disabled, your retirement assets continue to accrue up to the final age in accordance with the contribution plan, including interest, based on the last insured salary and taking into account the level of the partial pension. The resulting retirement assets form the basis on which your retirement benefits are assessed.